Monday, May 2, 2011

Windswept -Greenough

Forty or so kms north of Dongara on the Brand Highway is Greenough.  The abandoned town of old has an impressive collection of brick buildings.  It includes  school houses, a courthouse and police station, a cottage, churches, a presbytery and a convent.  There is also a stable with the fresh smell of straw, sun filtering though the rafters and resident sheep that take shelter from the heat of the day in the old stalls. The town grew up out of a roadhouse to the south of Genraldton. Today it is revived for tourists to tour through a time of the past.

As much as the abandoned township of Greenough is noteworthy, the windswept trees that bow to the passing traffic were the in a wow class of their own.  The windswept landscape isn't much more then barren fields, farms and windmills.  But..the trees here grow sideways deformed by the unrelenting southwest gales. Entire hedges of large trees all in a row, all sideways are impressive in their uniform angles. The picture below is the most leaning tree in all of Australia. 

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