Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Open Your Eyes- The Abrohlos Islands

A cluster of 122 coral atolls 60 kms off the coast of Western Australia make up the island chain known as The Abrohlos. The history here is one of mutiny, murder, hardship and betrayal with the story of the infamous shipwreck of the Batavia . The Abrohlos' is surrounded by a  hardly visible reefs and the islands  made of coral remains rise ever so slightly above sea level. In the midst of the open ocean the unexpected shallows was a  brutal end for many unsuspecting ships. The name Abrohlos means "Open your eyes" . A  hint to those who might be passing by.   

    Today the islands are used as temporary camps for the fisheries, cray fisheries,and aquaculture industry. Government leaseholds allow fisherman and aquaculturists to set up camps while out at sea. Tourism is limited to day trips as overnight stays are only permissible to leaseholders. There are no stores, roads, phones, cars or trees. Colourful shacks belonging to the fishermen dot the edges of the island  with their creaky, aged jetty's reaching out to sea all decorated with crayfish traps and fishing boats.

Rat Island (below) one of only two islands that have a landing strip.

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