Thursday, May 26, 2011

Red Bluff-Quabba Sation

A sixty km drive from the Quabba Sation homestead along a rough dirt road took us to Red Bluff. The water was clear. The waves were perfect and had the quiet remoteness need at any top camping spot. The only problem with Red Bluff was poor weather and gigantic sharks that would half the a hooked fish before it was landed. wasn't so good unless you were planning on fish head soup. Seeing the body less fish so cleanly cut in half by the gigantic sharks didn't make for appealing snorkeling either.
It rained hard that night and through the following morning hours. Without the sun shinning down, there wasn't much reason for staying so we packed up and hit the road. Highlight..the beautiful walk down to the point of the bluff all laiden with coral and the sea turtle that surfaced in the bay.
Bush Toilet
Wild Goats
Our camping spot and the amazing view.
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