Saturday, June 11, 2011

Whisper Quiet Wittenoom

The drive out for Karijini NP to Wittenoom takes you past some spectacular scenery however there is an eerie quiet out here not just because we didn't see a single car in the 40 km drive but because of Wittenoom's looming dark history. The government posted warning sigh some 20 kms out added a ghoulish touch to the ghost town adventure but also a sadness.

 Between 1940 and 1965  Wittenoom was a mining town of blue asbestos. Blue asbestos,a flame retardant, super strong, heat resistant material was lucratively exported all over the world.  The only problem was that the blue asbestos dust fibers was making the town residence  ill with a rare lung cancer.

In 1979 the Australian government shut the town down. They bulldozed some of the empty buildings, cut off the water supply and the latest attempt was to cut off the power.

 There are still a few dedicated residence that refuse to leave and the sound of a distant generator echo the empty streets. 
As we drove the quiet street, now edged with overgrown grass, the skeletal remains of yesteryear still remain and testify to the days when the town was a vibrant community. Oddly there is the impression that residence left in a desperate hurry leaving significant possesions behind.  The cafe chairs and tables remain out under the shade of the looming gum tree.  The open sign now grown over by a bougainvillea vine sits at the head of the bakery drive dispite closure years ago. Old cars stagnate in the driveways of vacant cabins. Very Twilight Zone.

The local tourism officers in Tom Price are told not to promote Wittenoom as a tourist destination. We were cautioned when we asked for information about Wittenoom.
One day  Wittenoom's questions will  need to be answered especially those who now face a slow, certain, death. Suspiciously the government attempts are to just to wipe it off the map.   

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1 comment:

John said...

Nice write-up.

Minor corrections to consider:
Residence - a place that people live in.
Residents - people who live there. Please correct the grammar.

Nicely written otherwise.

FYI: The town was removed from the map, not suspiciously, but widely recognised, in order to reduce the number of idiot tourists visiting the town. Yet some, slow-of-wit, still manage to make their way there, take photos and post them on the net. Much to our pleasure and to their risk. Thank you.