Wednesday, June 29, 2011


We came across this Wicked Camper van rental in Coral Bay, WA.  If your not familiar with Wicked camper van rental company,they are a inexpensive camper rental very popular amongst backpacker travellers in many countries.  Each van is uniquely graffitied with amusing and often edgy messages and pictures that support the message. This one sported an Aussie flag in the front window.  Looks like American bashing is all the rage these days. Any Yanks viewing this post....feel free to comment.

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1 comment:

MikeInVirginia said...

You are right about us Yanks not caring for such a broad sentiment. I'm a Yank but I've been in 24 countries and worked in 17 of them. The country has a lot going for it even though a lot has gone on since 9/11. I'm proud to be an "ambassador" for the US when I'm overseas. There is nothing inherently superior for "not" being an American!