Wednesday, November 2, 2011

When Harry Came to Visit

Don't feed the wildlife!  That is what is advised by the National Park all around Australia. However when the  wildlife helps himself to your food that is another story.
 This is Harry (or so we named him) He arrived on our boat when moored in Nara Inlet. He plotted his food heist with expertise and amazing precision A professional no doubt.. Firstly, Harry would land on the wheel, then dart into the yacht galley where we found him binging on an open bag of pistachios.  Amused we watched then with full respect for this wild bird with a beak that can snap a finger, gently chased him off. He reluctantly flew away.
Persistent Harry returned the next day to pillage what was left of the pistachios and then appeared several times during the course of several nights. He even brought a shy friend twice. Amused we gave in an kept Harry happy with kind offerings of food and before we knew it...we were all good friends. Harry would land on any surface where a pistachio was placed. 
After the last pistachio...Harry and his shy friend flew away to another yacht but left us with some nice memories.

Trying to get Harry to land on a shoulder
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