Friday, September 30, 2011

The Trip to The Tip

From Bamanga we made a dash on a wildly red bumpy road through the  northern Queensland  rainforest heading north to the tip of continental Australia. We stopped in at red dust covered Croc Tent which sits unsuspectingly on a cross roads in the mist of nowhere . They offer free advice to travellers and sell souvenirs like stubby holders, pin, Tshirts, hats and even stingray skin wallets. In front of the red dusty tent is a chain fence with a fake crocodile. Super cheesy but The Croc Tent gets points for it remote location and unique store front. The information here is unofficial but really useful.
30km after leaving The Croc Tent and we arrived at a beautiful beach where the trail to the famous Northern Most Tip of Australia sign sits perched on a rock. We were alone when we arrived at the infamous sign.  Like soldiers standing at attention several piles of rock had been carefully erected around the sign.. We each picked up a rock and placed it on top of the rock piles. We knew these were built by visitors who shared a similar journey to get to this place. This was a special place for us. It all felt triumphant. We had been from the Southern most point of Australia and the Northern most point. Mission accomplished but bittersweet to think about how little travel is left in our year.

An Aussie Icon

stunning beaches here but not for swimming.
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