Saturday, August 13, 2011

Litchfield National Park NT

Moving back chronologically, we stopped in a Litchfield National Park NT en rout to Darwin (after the car repair). The memorable Florance falls, Buley pools, Wangi falls and Berri springs (a absolute fav) made this park a must do for traveller in the top end. The clear waters and cascading falls tempt every instinct in the human body to plunge. Few salties found here however Berri springs had a recent saltie attack where a woman's leg was bit by a small saltie. Croc control is routine here. Best not to be the first swimmer of the day in the water though:)
Wanji Falls (C,J, and me)

Wangi Falls

Florence Falls-
Occasionally you can spot a jumper looking for that adrenaline rush and ignoring the signpost stating NO JUMPING. The water here is clear and clean and makes for a awesome swim in the tropical humidity of the top end.

Florence Falls

A late night stop at some obscure town/trucky stop about halfway between Katherine and Darwin landed us at a small parking bay behind a roadhouse.  The morning was punctuated with the sound of barking dogs. A group of boar hunters numbering in the hundreds had met with these highly bred pig dogs to track and take down the wild boars of the outback. The bloodlines blend greyhounds, foxhound, bloodhound, boxer and staffy terrier. Noodle looked on with envy and jealousy at the leg length. 
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