Friday, August 12, 2011

We made it.

So it happens that on July 31st exactly six months to the day from when we departed our Tasmanian home in caravan, we arrive into Darwin, half way around. It all happened coincidentally with emergency family issues which required me to travel back to the US but also a car breakdown that landed us back in Katherine and delayed our arrival into the top end.
I stowed away a delectable reserve Taylor Estates Blend from the Clare Valley for a special occasion. The wine accompanied by a roast dinner at a local BYO cafe, candle light and the sultry, tropical temperatures, made it  a memorable drop and a memorable occasion.
Darwin will be a introspective place. Many decisions need to be entertained now. The most pressing being...where to after our travels end? A grim reminder of the reality and only 6 months left to explore.
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