Saturday, July 16, 2011

Passage to the Bungle Bungle

Kms of corrugated road with the odd axel breaking pot hole.

It does seem as though WA doesn't really want people to know about the treasures within. Could it be that the money in mining/gas is so good that they simply don't need the dollars that would come from exploiting amazing places to tourism? More likely it is answered with the rugged outback lifestyle that identifies the Australian outback. The adventure is the journey.
Above are the pictures travelling to The Bungle Bungles which requires 4WD with high clearance and a snorkel for the 31 river crossings. The difficult road access limit the number of tourists and because of this many choose to view the Bungle Bungles via air. Our adventure seeking clan thrived on the two and a half hour early morning trip  as well as the bizarre Bungle Bungle's bee hived shaped mountains. The Kimberly's with all the glorious colours are outstanding.
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