Monday, July 18, 2011

In Memory Of George


George was J's second pony for a two years when living in Tasmania. He wasn't an simple horse to learn to ride and the highs were high and the lows were low.  There were often tears then cuddles, kisses, and apples all in the same day. With dedication and lots of work the two of them became a force in the event field and in the show jumping arena.  George was sold in February 2011 to young rider as we were going travelling. Last month Gorge died unexpectedly at 17yrs. A sudden onset of a viral infection is the suspected cause.

  George taught j some of life's important lessons. He taught her how to be patience, precise and that whispering sends a louder message then shouting.  He taught her how she could succeed and persist but more importantly he taught her how to fail and keep going.
We will miss you Georgey and thanks for all the  best memories.
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