Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Memorable Berry

We travelled into the beautiful country town of Berry with its grassy rolling hills, plentiful fat cows, and scenic farm houses.  It's a 20min drive East of the quaint surf town of Gerringong. We spent five days in Berry as it was the only place we could stay that allowed Dogs.  Each day we travelled to the coast at Seven Mile Beach National Park and spent the day frolicking in the waves. Then back to the town of Berry for the evening.

 Berry is a day trippers delight from the windy, sun drenched coast with it's quaint shops and eateries.  During the holidays the main road is bumper to bumper with more Sydney siders then residence. We found the iconic Berry Donut Van (YUMM) and around the corner is the best wood fired bread in all of OZ. A friendly place and no, it can't boast a beach but worthy of a visit. 
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Anonymous said...

Well hello Asman family! Ian Roberts here. Just went through a few pages of beautiful photos - looks like your having a blast!

Mark, after 10 yrs, your prodigy soccer kids have grown up into men now. The MH Football Club has wrapped up and they have left a couple of nice momentos with me, for you. How can I get these two you, or should I hang on to them for you should you ever stumble onto Vancouver Island again?

All the best to the 4 of you and that cute little weiner dog!

PS - we could have used your US talents on January 1st game (Canada vs the World). The World couldn't hold on to a 2-nil lead and ended up tying after Sam Jepson squeezed out about 16 minutes of "injury" time! John refused to give him dinner all last week.

Ian (

WendyAs said...

G'Day Ian,
What a flash from the past. Hard to believe that Jeppo mob is all grown up. I will make sure M gets your email and gets back to you regarding the gifts.

We remember our time in Canada with fondness too cold to want to come back:) Wish Lori well for me.
Cheers Matey.